TRACQS CDP participant Tammy with her metal garden art she created through our activity group.
TRACQS Participant, Tammy

The noisy metal grinder sends sparks flying.

Tammy’s passion for metal art pushes her past what’s considered a normal work ethic.

She grins and removes her protective wear; she lifts the leather spats off her boots that have holes in the toes. Another sign of working hard.

She notes her shoe size so that the TRACQS Outreach Team can deliver her some new steel-capped boots and protective clothing so she can continue her project within her remote area of Georgetown.

Tammy’s project, which is a tailored activity as part of our services for the Community Development Program (CDP) – has proven to be a great entry point to grow her skills with the right assistance, support and encouragement from an experienced team.

Her monthly contact appointment is conducted on-site where she meets with her Activity Manager to discuss her supplies. This month, Tammy is happy to accept floppy sanding discs to help fine-tune her art pieces. Her own small compressor serves her well.

At night, Tammy completes her drawing by projecting images onto a screen and tracing them before plasma cutting during the day at her CDP activity, where she shares photos and new projects.

It’s obvious she loves her work, and it’s starting to show.

There’s growing interest from surrounding community members and friends who wish to purchase future pieces of her art for their ranch gates, signs and fire drums.

Tammy's metal art of horses, a carriage and a person

Tammy’s plan is to name her business PlasmaTam Garden Art, and to sell metal garden art products at local markets to generate income and become self-supporting.