Francis, TRACQS Program Manager

Here at TRACQS, we are excited to announce we have a new team member, Francis, who has come on board as Program Manager.  

Francis comes to TRACQS with an extensive background in the Community Development Program (CDP) space, particularly through his time with the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and working with various CDP providers across Far North Queensland. Prior to joining TRACQS, Francis was familiar with our work and knew he wanted to get involved.  

“Seeing how CDP Providers and TRACQS helps people, I knew I wanted to be part of that. When I saw the job being advertised, I thought this is an opportunity to contribute to the great work they’re doing up in Kuranda and across the Western Tablelands region.”

– Francis, TRACQS Program Manager.

Francis sees his new role as an opportunity to extend his knowledge of the Western Tablelands region and use his skills and experience in the industry to create and build opportunities for individuals within the TRACQS’ services. Where Francis previously would have been administering CDP services, his new position will see him delivering the services in a leadership role.  

With previous experience working as an Engagement Officer with NIAA, Francis is familiar with the processes, connections and relationships involved in supporting TRACQS participants. This gives him the foundation to provide essential support to those in his new team working in similar roles. But while the experience and insight he brings to this role is undoubtedly valuable, Francis believes that having a great team in place is the key to delivering our services to the highest quality.  

“I’m excited to join TRACQS as a high performing provider, adding value to the team and contributing towards outcomes for individuals and families across Western Tablelands.”

– Francis, TRACQS Program Manager.

It’s clear the TRACQS team is in safe hands with Francis, and we look forward to seeing him build upon the successes achieved to date and to help TRACQS continue to deliver support for communities across the Western Tablelands region.